07786 032224 / 01273 772462 brighton_carola@hotmail.com


Carola Degener-Pereira is an ADTV, RSA, UKA qualified dance and fitness instructor.

She has been teaching dance and fitness since 1987, firstly in Germany then in the United Kingdom, settling in Brighton in 1991. 

Carola’s approach to dance and teaching is professional but fun, ensuring that everyone enjoys themselves whilst learning new steps and styles. People from all walks of life are made welcome, from complete beginners to more experienced dancers.


ADTV Allgemeiner Deutscher Tanzlehrer Verband (German Dance Teacher Society)
RSA Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures & Commerce
UKA United Kingdom Alliance



As well as Wedding parties, Carola also teaches dancing and fitness through Brighton Tango and Brighton DancingTo learn more about either of those dancing experiences, click on the respective images.

Brighton Dancing Logo


To contact Carola for a quote or any additional information about a Wedding dancing event, ring either of the numbers below:

Mobile: 07786 032224

Landline: 01273 772462

To email, you can click this text to be taken to our email contact form, or email Carola through your own mailing software at the following address:
